Last week we visited Soho Works for a screening of 'From Rap To Riches', the latest film from award-winning Fan Studios.

The documentary looks at how some of the UK's biggest rappers have successfully used their music platform to transition into the bold world of business and entrepreneurship and includes intimate interviews with Krept, Lady Leshurr and Wretch 32. To learn more about the creation of this film, we had a talk with Fan Studios very own Femi Oyeniran - one of the directors. 

📸 Kira Nadine & Meara Kallista

Interview w. Femi Oyeniran

Could you tell me a bit about the background story that lead to the creation of this film?

From Raps to Riches tracks a trend that has been happening within the U.K. It explores rappers taking their popularity within the music industry and utilising it in the world of business. We’d seen it before in America but we are now seeing the build up of a momentum in this trend within the U.K. This show exists to capture and highlight this growing trend.

What would you say are the biggest differences for new artists today, compared to 10 years ago? (challenges/opportunities)

The biggest opportunities for artists today is that they can talk directly to their audience like never before. There are less gatekeepers and intermediaries. Audiences expect to hear directly from their favourite artists. Whether signed or independent, artists are expected to communicate more with their fans through social media. 

The greatest challenge for artists is that I feel they have to be ever-present. I think it is harder to be successful now because you have to do more than just being an artist, audiences expect more. Before, an artist could go away and record an album for two years, work the release of that album for a year and then go away for another year or two. That is no longer the case for most. 

Did any of the interviewees (Krept/Wretch 32/Lady Leshurr) stand out or suprise you? And if yes, why?

I think all the interviews were good and all the artists revealed aspects of their lives that they’ve never explored on camera before. I wouldn’t necessarily pick on over the other. Krept saying he hadn’t made any money from music sales in 9 years of being signed to a major record label was a big thing. Leshurr stating she diversified outside of music due to her sister passing away and her feeling responsible for her sister’s children was a huge moment. Wretch’s observations about generational wealth was also huge - “climbing up ladders we’ve only walked past”.

Who should watch "From Rap To Riches"?

People should watch “From Raps to Riches” because it is of our time. It explores entrepreneurship, self-authorship, generational wealth and much more. It shows how you can take a little and turn it into whatever you want it to be. It also shows that success in music is translatable to so many other sectors.


WATCH: From Rap To Riches on YouTube


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